Next.js, a new react framework


Feb 07, 2023

Next.js, a new react framework

Having the own or personal website is a necessity in today’s world for every business or even for a personal need but what technology or framework to use is the main question that comes for every developer or person. The important thing that every website owner looks for its website is its “User Experience” and here comes to mind which frontend framework to choose and build the full web application. In this GBlog, we’ll see the two frameworks used in creating the best user experience web applications.

NextJS is a react framework built as an open-source on top of React library. It is created by vercel. NextJS framework creates fast search engine optimize react applications with zero configuration. A traditional react application is rendered client-side where the browser starts with a shell of an HTML page lacking any rendered content from which the browser extracts the JS file which consists of ReactJS files to display the content to the webpage. NextJS helps you create production-ready apps and provides you the best experience with its features like server-side rendering, route pre-fetching, smart bundling, etc.

What can we build with NextJS?

Companies like Vercel, Netflix, Hulu, Expo, etc, are using NextJS for their applications. Now, it motivates you to build your web apps with Next. Below are some of the features in which the NextJS is useful for you:

ReactJS is an open-source library built by Facebook for creating the best User Interfaces web applications. The library allows the developers to write code once and use it anywhere, anytime, and an unlimited no of times. The library used JavaScript to create its components but can also be created by using TypeScript. The library has become more popular among developers nowadays but many of them are shifting to use the next popular framework NextJS.

What can we build with ReactJS?

React is a very popular library as it has been built by Facebook. Airbnb, New York Times, Instagram, Whatsapp are using ReactJS in their tech stack. Below are some of the features in which ReactJS is useful for you:

Now, let’s know more about both of these technologies with some of their features and also know who has the best developer experience, ease of use, etc. Choosing any framework or library depends on the developer and so while selecting any of these, the developer experience lies in between.



I am a Full Stack Developer

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